Since I do not only photograph on weekend trips or during vacations, but rather as often as time and weather permits, most of my photographs fit the nearby theme. For example, almost all carcolor compositions were discovered around where I live and so far I have also been testing my tilt-shift adapter almost exclusively on my photography bike tours around Zurich.
The tilt-shift example above is a light & shadow composition that was taken at ETH Hönggerberg, where I pass regularly to search for interesting compositions. For architectural photographs like this one it is possible to take advantage of the shift (upwards to correct perspective) and tilt (to the left or right to increase the depth of field) at the same time. With the Mirex adapter, the shift and tilt movements are always perpendicular to each other, meaning that you cannot shift the lens upwards and tilt downwards. In the composition shown here, my eye is attracted to the whitish cross a little bit above the center and to the right of the photograph.